Monday, April 25, 2011

Organized = Peace

I pray you all had a fantastic Easter weekend. What a Joy to celebrate the Risen Savior! We started the celebration off Friday night at the Good Friday church service. It was fantastic!! Ean-Thomas (at 11 years old) truly felt the Lords presence for the first time. He was in tears AND awe. He was filled with Joy and sadness. The true impact of what Jesus endured  FOR US came alive to him. Oh, how I praise the Lord when he works in the lives of my children!!
Sunday was a BLAST!! It started with an early music service at church. As many of you know, Tom is blessed with an amazing voice and the choir sang 3 pieces. The sun was blessing us from every angle, and the Son blessed us indeed!!

      When we came home we dined on AMAZING short ribs!

I am leaving on vacation this Friday. It is a time just for me (with one of my besties Kristi Lynn). I have a fantastic husband and family that see the need for me to get away when I have hit a wall. Thank you GOD! Also my in-laws are coming for a visit and arrive a day and a half BEFORE I get back.....SO little details that usually I only think about have to be written down and labeled. Here we go;
for the week I am gone and the shopping list and meal plan for the in-law visit.
Tom - 'Hey Elaine, what goes IN the kids lunches?' Now he knows. There is also a meal list for my Mom to refer to. Also, my dear dear friend Amy is watching Collin for me during the days I am gone. Thank you Amy dear!!! Collin's list is there as well.
this is Eans baseball game schedule, the practices are on the google calendar and will send an alarm to Tom so he does not forget. I hope!

Yes, this is a busy family. Yes, we are involved in LIFE. I would not have it any other way, but I thank God for the gift of organization he has given me. Without it I would be lost and while I am out of town, my family would be lost. God is good and has blessed us with all good things, and even though my family is scared to see me leave for a are GOOD TOO!!!
So please join me in praying for my sweet family. I leave the 29th and return on the 7th.
Being a believer I have something that non-believers do not have, the ability to rest. Rest in my redeemers arms. Unload the stress that I take on. Cry, laugh, dance, sing or sleep in the arms of my Jesus.

Love to you all,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Praising God for the trials???

So my heart is breaking for my 11 year old. He tried to pull his first BIG lie.
Now I remember MY first BIG LIE. I was in the 4th grade and I wanted to get the gum that Mrs. Johnson was giving out for those that had completed their schoolwork for the day. I had NOT, but thought I could lie about it. I attended a small Christian school of about 50 kids, K-12. Everyone knew everyone. I told one kid (Paul W.) the truth and he told Mrs. Johnson and she told my Mom (who was a teacher there) and I got my gum taken away AND a spanking with the wooden paddle. Isn't it amazing what we remember when we really learn a lesson?
So I sat down and told this story to Ean. He laughed with me and we talked about how much bigger his lie had to get to keep making since and then completely fell apart.

As we were praying at bedtime he thanked God for caring about him SO MUCH that he would teach him this lesson. I was in tears!!

**When was the last time I thanked God for the trials?

**When have I seen them as a gift of His marvelous grace?

Mr. Ean is now grounded from the things he loves and video games. He is having to RE-do a project from school AND he is doing it  with a GREAT attitude.

**Have I learned my lessons AND displayed an attitude of forgiveness and grace?

**Have I been giving God the glory for the 'teaching moments'?

James 1:2-4 reads, 'Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


What a wonderful day in the Lord!!
Have you ever had one of those days when you just can NOT stop smiling (or crying) with Joy? Today was that day for me.
I woke up after an amazing nights sleep. I think this was from pure exhaustion due to the fact that I did 98% of the Spring cleaning yesterday but none-the-less a restful night of sleep. Smile!
I checked email and got the funniest one for a dear friend making fun of my inability to save a file on my computer and there I was laughing myself out of bed. I had a peaceful morning getting the kids ready for church and off we went. Big Smile!!
The first of a sermon series for Pastor Ivan...Gospel. How good it is to hear the basics all over again. "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so." No matter what, you can come to Jesus and confess your need of Him and your future is filled with purpose. Not a bed of roses. Not instant riches, but a peace that passes all understanding. Tears of Joy and SMILE!!!
Went out for Mexican food and created more long lasting family memories. Played outside in 60 degree weather with the boys. Went driving with Kari (still alive so smiling). Watched a movie about Gods mercy and second chances. Still smiling!!!
Went back to church to an Evening of Commitment. Twenty-one people were baptized, some of them NEW believers in Christ. Three babies were dedicated to the Lord, one of the an adoption! And about 30 people becoming members of our church. Can you Get Any More Excited about what God is doing??!! Praise the Lord!!! SMILE!

I now sit on my porch, my favorite place to be, listening to the wind and rejoicing in the Joy of my Salvation, Jesus. Name above all names. Beautiful Savior and Friend.

God is good. He is good all the time.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


At first I was in shock, "Can it be?! Really?"
I was starting to feel - unbalanced. As a Mom we have so many responsibilities and when we get behind on one thing it takes days and sometimes weeks (mostly with laundry) to get back into the groove of life. But when the walls start to close in around you that is not God's plan.
God wants us to live a life of balance. A life that takes time for regeneration and renewal. Be Still and Know that I am God. He wants us to be able to focus and reflect. In a ciaos of mothering and in my case 'daughtering' and being a wife 24x7 I lean on my Jesus ever so dearly. We have to have that relationship with our Savior strong and ready to take on the emotional, physical and spiritual tasks that are mothering. get back to my surprise...I get a time AWAY!!! God has provided a way for me to spend a week in beautiful California. This is 100% lay by the pool, only do what I want/have-to kind of time. God took care of all the 'details' and I am really looking forward to going! I am starting to plan and think about what books to download onto the kindle...any suggestions?
Now to put this into perspective, I have a teenage daughter, a 5th grade son and 1 year old at home. I am called to be a wife first (so that carries it's own special requirements) and I have the privilege of having my aging mother here with me. I love the life the Lord has truly blessed me with and this trip proves His amazing goodness to me.
This is the hotel where I get to stay in San Jose. I am mostly looking forward to sharing sweet time with my Jesus and learning to better maintain that balance that He wants for me. 
What Joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord... Psalm 84:5

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kiddos and memories

Thinking about the treasure my children are. Our neighbors just had their first baby and the tiny little 6+ pound fellow reminded me of the precious joy of my children.

Karianna is our 15 (almost 16) year old. She has started driving, doing great in school (10th grade), serving on the praise team for the youth group at church, going on her first mission trip this summer and really starting to grasp her relationship with the Lord as being HERS and not 'riding on Mom and Dad's coattails.'
Here she is as my sweet 5 year old.

Ean-Thomas, Oh what a BALL he is!! His love language is 'Quality Time.' Sitting and watching a movie, playing a game or watching him play video games all fit in this category. He adores his little brother and is an absolute joy to the family. Funny, funny kid.
Here he is at 2! Love that smile.

Collin David. What to say. He is our amazing surprise that Only God Himself knew about. He will be two in June. He cut teeth early. He crawled early. He walked early. Please Lord, let him potty-train early!!
Thank you Lord for my children. Give me your strength to raise them to follow your greatest commandment, to love You with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. I love you Lord! Amen

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blessing beyond blessing...

This winter Kari came to me and told me she felt the Lord was asking her to go on a mission trip this summer instead of getting a job. She had two concerns, one that she would not be earning money for car insurance this fall and two how was she ever going to pay for a mission trip. Her youth group from Edinbrook Church announced the trip they were planning on taking this summer. She himmed and hawwed.... what to do?! She finally committed to going very concerned about the cost. She wrote a letter from her heart and placed it in Gods hands, and let me tell you THAT is a great place to be!! It has been one month and she has raised ALL of the money for the entire trip!!! Thank you! What a blessing.
She will be in Miami, FL from the 11th to the 20th of June working with inner-city kids. Please keep her in your prayers.

Friday, April 1, 2011

God is Moving!

Praise The Lord! He is Alive and Moving.
After praying for family members for years and feeling like I am seeing NO change - God is moving!
Tom (my dear husband) is sharing Christ to a man at work - God is moving!
Karianna (my 15 year old) is going on her first mission trip - God is moving!
I feel like I have hit a wall emotionally and God provided a time for me to 'get away' - God is moving!

"You're everything I can't explain. You set my heart on fire. And here I stand amazed. You take my breathe away." - Michael W Smith Wonder album